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Laser Grade Absolute Black Marble

Laser Grade Absolute Black Marble Squares, Rounds, Ovals, Hearts & Rectangles



 M = Marble

AB = Absolute Black
EP = Square Edges Polished
ASP = All Surfaces Polished
BEP = Beveled Edge Polished 
BASP = Beveled All Surfaces Polished
5F = Front Surface & Edges Polished
6F = All Surfaces Polished, (ASP)

Black Marble Blocks ready to ship
to our fabrication facility in Xiamen


Laser Setting for a 35 watt CO2 Laser

Power - 40 to 45%
Speed - 50%

For Photo Engraving use 250 - 300 dpi/ppi 

For Logos and Lettering 600 dpi/ppi  w/2" focal length lens



Ready for shipment to LaserSketch 

It is time to clear the air about photo engraving on Black Marble vs. Black Granite:

Marble is the perfect canvas for engraving, you are not fighting with a mixed back ground, Granite is a crystallized material, due to being melted and slowly cooled to form crystals. Marble is a sedimentary material that has never been melted, only compress from pressure and time. If you are not going to walk on the material you should use Marble for photo engraving, Marble is not as hard as Granite and therefore will scratch under foot traffic.

LaserSketch's Absolute Black Marble is the only Black Marble in the engraving industry that comes with the warranty to be free of white lines and white spots and remains black even if used out of doors.

Quantity Discount:10 cases -10%, 15 cases -15%, 20 cases -20% 

You may mix sizes for case count discounts reflected in final invoice